Designplatform Rotterdam

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Thursday November 12th at 17:00u. CET, online.

// Interactive peer to peer coaching session to navigate through these challenging times //

WhatDesignCanDo and Designplatform Rotterdam present Designers for Designers: a transformative peer to peer coaching session.

Change asks for reflection! A creative spirit often comes with a resourceful mind that knows how to navigate through challenging times. But of course there is also the human experience of worry. There is no ‘right’ way forward. So let’s pave the way together and collaborate!

By sharing our experiences and talking about ideas we can support ourselves and our peers. There is no right or wrong. Your personal story can be an encouragement to others. What is common sense to one person can be an eye opener to another. Can we see this situation as a unique opportunity for creative transformation?
We use a mix of two well proven formats: the German Strategiekreis and the American Self help group. A session has 15 participants and lasts 2 hours. There are 2 rounds. The first round is an introduction and plenary discussion. In the second one participants are placed in smaller groups to discuss more in depth about the issues.
In previous sessions we have experienced how designers opened up, transformed and lifted each other’s spirit – even through the computer screen!

Registration is free but availability is limited. Register in the link below and you’ll receive a link and password for the zoom session.
November 12th: register here

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