Designplatform Rotterdam

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18 september, 2018. WORM Rotterdam, vanaf 19:30

-- This event will be held in English--
Time for another edition of this happened on Tuesday 18th of September at WORM. We start 30 minutes earlier from now on. Doors open 19.30 and the talks will start at 20.00. Join us to discuss discuss four inspiring projects, meet friends old & new and have a drink. 

We are proud to present:

Lisanne de Bakker (Proportion) – Business in a box. 
In Kenya, the unemployment rate grew with an extreme speed over the past ten years. Of all the unemployed people 70% are between the age of 15-35 years old. Lisanne de Bakker from Proportion foundation in Amsterdam will tell us how she is trying to create more stability in the employment situation in this context by using a design thinking approach. Proportion developed a box with tools and methods to facilitate that training. She designs and coordinates training programs for entrepreneurs in emerging countries. In Kenya she trains youth by boosting their entrepreneurial, ICT and social skills to prepare them to set up their own sustainable products and services for the agricultural sector. To help in this process proportion developed a ‘recipe’ box which includes all tools to enable the young adults to set up their own sustainable businesses. Lisanne will share a passionate story on how she got an understanding of agriculture in Kenya and the challenges she faced working in these rural areas. Check more info here.  

Patrizia D'Olivo (Meedoen=Groeien!/Tu Delft) - Mr. V brings “ Verrassing” (Surprise)
Patrizia is doing her PhD at the Faculty of Industrial Design at TU Delft in cooperation with the Princess Máxima Center for pediatric oncology (Utrecht) and the support of the Revalidate Fonds. 4 years ago she started her research with the aim of fostering the psychosocial development of children with cancer. By using a Research through Design approach and a Socio-Ecological perspective that looks also at the family members of those children, she specifically explored how technology can be designed to tactfully empower them throughout the treatment phase.

She designed and developed Mr. V, a character aimed at bringing back normality and motivation in cherishing the family time spent together at home. Through fieldwork involving patients, patients’ families and medical professionals she found that these moments are crucial for the development and wellbeing of the child, however are often forgotten due to the disruptive situation generated by the illness. Patrizia, will discuss best practices for working together with vulnerable users and professionals from the healthcare context. We are excited to hear about her experiences and struggles working in this sensitive setting and designing for different users. Read more here

Sabrina Verhage (Tellart) - Terraform Table
Sabrina is a Technologist at Tellart Amsterdam and co-founder of Creative Coding Amsterdam, a meetup for enthusiasts. At This Happened she will introduce you to the Terraform Table, an interactive installation built around a sandbox lit by a map projection. As participants shape the sand with their hands, a machine learning algorithm generates artificially composited landscapes and seascapes. Tellart created the table in response to a commission by London's V&A museum for its technology-focused exhibition 'The Future Starts Here'. The curators wanted a piece that would address the question "Should we shape the Earth and other planets for human use? Check this article in dezeen about the project. 

Wang Long Li & Robert Paauwe (TinyBots) - Tessa
As founders of TinyBots, Wang and Robert are on a mission to empower people with cognitive challenges and their family, using social technology & robotics. Together they created a friendly little robot called Tessa, who assists elderly with dementia when nobody else is around. She enhances their self-esteem and -reliance by providing systematic reminders, personalized music, storytelling, cognitive therapy, and spoken instructions for daily tasks. Robert and Wang will tell us the birth-story of Tessa and how she got her looks and character to optimally connect with people with dementia, as well as their caregivers. They will give us a peek into successfully designing a high tech solution that is also able to make a deeply human connection, all the while being so intuitive that anybody can use it. Read more here

Check Facebook for more info and get your ticket

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