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Fuckup Nights Netherlands - Quarantine Edition Vol. I
Woensdag 20 mei 2020, 20:30 u, Online

// This night is hosted & presented in English //

Fuckup Nights Quarantine Editions

Safe, FUN, and online Fuckup Nights events!
In order to keep our global community safe, we’ve paused our social gatherings and events, to avoid any risk in the midst of this current sanitary situation.
Instead of sharing handshakes and viruses in our events, we’ve decided to keep sharing the failure online!
Join us on May 20th for the first Fuckup Nights Netherlands Quarantine edition, presented by Fuckup Nights Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Leeuwarden

Fuckup Nights is a global movement where stories of failed businesses, projects and careers are told, questioned and celebrated.
Each month in events across the globe, people get on stage to acknowledge their professional fuckup in a room full of strangers.
The first event happened in Mexico City in September 2012 after five friends felt the need to break free from the stigmas of failure during a mezcal-infused conversation. Today, Fuckup Nights has expanded to more than 300 cities and 90 countries across the globe!

Linda Vermaat
Jan Knikker
Justus Bruns
Lucas Keijning

At home!

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