Designplatform Rotterdam

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26 april, 2019. 42workspace, vanaf 08:30

April’s theme is Inclusive. When different people come into our lives, they bring gifts. We can blend the best of our wisdom with the best of theirs. We can teach and learn from each other to produce closer circles that foster community and commit to diversity. People who include with intention, raise their hand to do the work of embracing what is unfamiliar. 

Inclusion is an attitude to consciously be open to ideas that come from outside of our settled ways of thinking or feeling. It’s about making a decision that comes from a place of love, of caring for others. When you place inclusivity at the center of how you live, it has great power to heal, elevate new voices, and change the narrative of who belongs. As diversity advocate Vernā Myers once said, “Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.” 


Mitchell Esajas (1988, NL) is co-founder and chairman of New Urban Collective, a network for students and young professionals from diverse backgrounds with a focus on the Surinamese, Caribbean and African diaspora. He is a social entrepreneur involved in various community projects in the areas of education, employment, diversity and sustainability. Mitchell studied Business Studies and Anthropology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 

In 2016 he co-founded the Black Archives in Amsterdam, a unique collection of books, documents and artefacts documenting the history of black people and black resistance in the Dutch context. Based on the collection they develop work with artists, activists and scholars to develop exhibitions and other public activities. In 2018 they won the Amsterdam Art Prize.

Libby van der Ploeg illustrated the theme.


Check de site van Creative Mornings en Facebook voor meer info. 

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