Designplatform Rotterdam

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26 juli, 2019. Locatie t.b.a., vanaf 08:30

-- This event will be held in english -- 

Ends are unique opportunities in disguise. They allow us to make meaning out of our past relationships, experiences, projects, and seasons in life. On the other hand, beginnings are romanticized and energize us to envision all the impressive things we will do. Headlines celebrate the latest rising startup or 'it' destinations travelers must see.

But reaching the end of something can also carry meaningful joy. Author Wes Moore once talked about the difference between our jobs and our work. Moore said, "Your goal should never be to start something. Your goal should be to end things." When we truly fulfill an ending, it reflects growth and real change. We can create projects to end loneliness, walk away from empty relationships, change habits, or choose a different career trajectory.

The secret about 'the end' is that it actually contains countless possibilities.

Our Rio de Janeiro chapter chose this month’s exploration of End and Isadora Zeferino illustrated the theme


Check de site van Creative Mornings voor meer info. 

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