Designplatform Rotterdam

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26 oktober, 2018. CIC Venture Café, inloop 08:30, start 09:00. 

-- This event will be held in english -- 

Honesty is the currency for connection. It’s a gift we give to each other that strengthens bonds and deepens relationships. Honesty is a practice where we start from the heart. Being honest isn’t always easy and being honest all of the time is impractical. Giving honest feedback or sharing our opinions requires sensitivity to the context and meeting others where they are—with kindness and empathy. Honesty is about providing the information that you would want if you were in a similar situation. Another way to look at honesty: it’s a flower born out of the soil of trust, connection, and conversations. The more we nurture conversations that breed trust and forge a connection, the more honesty becomes baked into the way we lead our lives.

This month's global exploration of Honesty was chosen by our Cardiff chapter and illustrated by James Lewis.

CreativeMornings zou niet mogelijk zijn zonder de geweldige support van wereldwijde en lokale partners. Met hun ondersteuning kunnen onze evenementen groeien en blijft de toegang gratis voor iedereen. We bedanken onze lokale partners CIC Rotterdam en Venture Café Rotterdam, en onze internationale partners: MailChimp, Adobe en WordPress.

Check de site van Creative Mornings en Facebook voor meer info. 

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