Designplatform Rotterdam

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Vrijdag 27 december (to be confirmed), 2019. Locatie t.b.a., vanaf 08:30

-- This event will be held in english -- 

The concept of Creative Mornings is an inspiring talk and croissants. What will it be about this month? 

When you’re wading through the unknown, it can feel scary and risky. You float around wondering if you’re going in the right direction and want to know what’s next. Being lost is a collaboration between possibility and uncertainty. It’s an excuse to get one step closer to a more fulfilling life. What you were comfortable with may not be there anymore, but you will have the remarkable opportunity to reconnect with yourself and embrace discovery.

In these “in-between” moments, turn to your inner beacon and pay close attention to where it’s guiding you. Your beacon is the light that blazes within you, a signal made up of your values, dreams, and priorities. The essayist Anaïs Nin put it best when she wrote: “The unknown was my compass. The unknown was my encyclopedia. The unnamed was my science and progress.”

Shine your light. Ask for help and let go of the idea that you have to make a perfect choice. You may feel lost, but you are not alone.

Our Milwaukee chapter chose this month’s exploration of Lost and Melissa Lee Johnson illustrated the theme.


Check de site van Creative Mornings voor meer info. 

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