Designplatform Rotterdam

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“All my work is cancelled. What now?” 
Wednesday May 27th at 17:00u. CET, online.

// Interactive peer to peer coaching session on the impact of corona on your design practice //

WhatDesignCanDo and Designplatform Rotterdam present Designers for Designers. 

The current pandemic has serious consequences for designers. Self employed designers especially have seen their commissioned work evaporate. Projects are delayed, postponed or cancelled all together. This economic crisis seems to hit harder than the ones before. Corona caught us by surprise and has urged governments to take more radical measures. Every aspect of our society has been affected and there is no clear idea about how it will end and how long this will take. Most of us have not experienced a crisis like this before. No one can show us the way forward or teach us how to cope with the situation. That is why we need to help ourselves!

By sharing our own experiences and talking about ideas we can support ourselves and our peers. There is no right or wrong. Your personal story can be an encouragement to others. What is common sense to one person can be an eye opener to another. Or can we see this situation as a unique opportunity for creativity? Perhaps you have finally found the time to start your dream project? Or did you take a well deserved break from designing? Or are you contemplating a radical career change?

WDCD and DPR are organising a series of online gatherings for designers and all their colleagues around the world for whom the current crisis has a serious impact. By exchanging ideas we want to support each other and have some fun while doing so. We use a mix of two well proven formats: the German Strategiekreis and the American Self help group. A typical session has 15 participants and lasts 2 hours. There are two rounds. The first round is an introduction and plenary discussion. In the second one participants are placed in smaller groups to discuss more in depth about the issues.

In previous sessions we have experienced how designers opened up and really lifted each other’s spirit – even through the filter of the computer screen!

Moderators: Jeroen Deckers, Guta Galli, Johanna Thompson, Lucas Verweij, Pepijn Zurburg, Anna Swagerman

Registration is free but availability is limited. Click here to sign up. You’ll get a link and password for the zoom session. Also follow the event on facebook

See you online!

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