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This Happened Rotterdam #14
dinsdag 27 november 2018. WORM Rotterdam, 19:30. 

This evening will be held in English 

We are happy to host another edition of this happened on Tuesday 27th of November at WORM. Doors open 19.30 and the talks will start at 20.00. Join us to discuss four inspiring projects, meet old friends, make new ones and have a drink. 
We are proud to present: 

Michiel Kersteman (Handmade) - Rudy, the unicorn prototype of a week

Michiel is a Creative Technologist at Handmade Amsterdam, a product invention lab that creates both physical and digital product experiences. Prototyping happens everywhere within the creative industry, but a full-fledged end-to-end product experience often takes months.

At Handmade they developed a method to tie every aspect of the product and system together within the first weeks of a project. They call this Rudy: A rudimentary prototype 
Michiel will show how Rudy allows them to built complex prototypes in a few weeks instead of several months with the example of a smart water tap. This tap recognises what glass, jar or pan you put underneath it and will adjust the water flow, water limit, and temperature accordingly.

Madelaine Berlis – The future of meat

Madelaine (Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken) designed and built a video installation about meat consumption in 2050, in which visitors do not find shocking images of factory farming, but a visualisation of 5 different scenarios. The installation is meant to create an open dialogue about meat consumption in the future between visitors and trigger them to act in the present. For this project, she collaborated with her sister Anna who is a film director and scriptwriter. The topic remains relevant and the installation has travelled through many different countries since then. Madelaine will share her journey and the dilemmas she faced during this project.

Jan Willem Manenschijn (Escape Event) – Pop up escape room

Jan-Willem is a creative nerd, passionate about technology and creative work. Three years ago he started creating escape rooms in his spare time, which has now grown into the company popup-escape. With popup-escape, he creates unique and custom escape rooms for company events. Topics and messages relevant to the client are incorporated into the games with a flair of technology. 

In his talk, he will tell about his most recent project, an experience for the upper management of Dutch governmental agencies. He will explain how he incorporates the client's wishes and high expectations and how he creates interesting puzzles matching the knowledge and experience of the different players. Where do you draw the line between fiction and reality? And how do you put everything in a game of one hour?

Niels Stamhuis (Dent) - Accessible IoT technology for everyone

Many companies struggle in their ways towards digitalization. All relevant market analysts forecast that IoT is going to be a billion-dollar business. But we’re far from there. Mainly because hardware development is indeed hard and organizations are subjected to change when it comes to digitalization. 
Niels Stamhuis, founder of Dent, will explain to you how they integrate the maker industry, co-creation and innovation to help companies grow towards their digital future. 
Dent started off in 2017, with the aim to make IoT accessible for everyone, no matter their state of digitalization. They have helped KPN and Amerika’s Comcast to create a toolkit, that allows them to offer their technology in an understandable way. Apart from that, they work on several cases in the maintenance industry, to help companies reduce costs in their operations to better serve their customers.

Check Facebookand get your ticket here

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