Designplatform Rotterdam

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October 30th, 9:00am - 9:45am CET. Hosted at Online Zoom De Stadstuin

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

November’s Theme is Radical. When we embrace radical ideas for positive change, we must be willing to reconstruct what we see and act otherwise. Better doors and realities can only open when we collectively start to move differently. “In the space of ‘ideas’ is where we can radically change systems,” explains artist and cultural organizer Favianna Rodriguez. “And that is, how do we completely re-envision our society?”

Being radical can also be as simple as exercising a new level of hospitality and generosity. Entrepreneur and activist Tanya Torp shares, “It’s radical when you let other people lead, and you get out of the way. I define radical hospitality as ‘transformational connections through welcome.’”

This month, we encourage you to quiet your mind and think about a few areas you’re willing to shake things up. Together, let’s create more radically profound, kind, and welcoming rooms.

Our San Diego chapter chose this month’s exploration of Radical, Maheswari Janarthanan illustrated the theme, and Mailchimp is presenting the theme globally.

Tickets are free. Check facebook for more info on how to register. 

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