Designplatform Rotterdam

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Vrijdag 27 september 2019. Locatie Monk bouldergym Rotterdam, vanaf 08:30

-- This event will be held in english -- 

Whether you’re a mathematician tinkering with complex equations or a musician pairing discordant notes together, searching for inspiration can often send you in circles. The longer you sit and wait for an epiphany to strike, the harder it gets to make progress.

What if you could get unstuck by turning to your muse?

Your muse comes from the deepest parts of your imagination and guides you to new ideas. It invites you to bring your dreams to life using the raw materials found in your daily life. Beloved artist Frida Kahlo once famously said, “I am my own muse. I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to know better.” The next time you want to draw out your muse, stimulate your imagination in a different context. Leave your desk, take a walk outside, read something different, observe the ordinary, or try your hand at a new recipe.

Chances are your muse will come out to play.


CreativeMornings is a free breakfast lecture series for the creative community.

Created in 2008 in New York and expanding now to over 200 cities around the world to enjoy fresh coffee, friendly people, and an international array of breakfast foods. The concept is simple: breakfast and a short talk every last Friday morning a month. Every event would be free of charge and open to anyone.

Our friends from Monk bouldergym Rotterdam will host us one more time to enjoy a nice breakfast and an inspiring talk in their space. 🥐☕️


Tickets are free! And they will go live on Monday 23/09 at 11:00, check here

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