Designplatform Rotterdam

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28juni, 2019. Locatie t.b.a., vanaf 08:30

-- This event will be held in english -- 

Our sense of wonder is the code for tapping into our most creative selves. It enables us to expand our horizons and encounter parallel universes that haven’t been explored yet.

According to the classical Greek philosopher Socrates, “Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” By drawing us out of our typical patterns, wonderment reconnects us with our ability to marvel at new and beautiful things.

We all have the capacity for wonder; but why do we lose sight of it?

As our lives get busier, we tend to streamline our schedules and relationships to become more efficient. We want to know what will happen and when it will happen. But extraordinary things occur if we make room for the unexpected.

When we leave space in our plans, we create magical conditions for our imagination and thoughts to collide with one another. And it is from these sparks that our best ideas are born.

Our Copenhagen chapter chose this month’s exploration of Wonder and Rune Fisker illustrated the theme.


Check de site van Creative Morningsvoor meer info. 

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