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[Virtual] Nature with Emma van de Sande & Darcy Ecoma
Fri May 29, 8:30am - 10:00am CEST. Hosted at Laat Bloeien

// This event is hosted & presented in English //


We are two yogis from Rotterdam on a mission to make yoga and meditation accessible to everyone. Armed with years of combined yoga experience, a passion for the trade and a good sense of humor, we love to brighten up your day. With our traveling yoga studio based in Rotterdam, we can land anywhere at any time and make every place feel like home. That’s why we are all about yoga in unexpected locations. Join a pop-up class in a secret location, let us help you with a custom class, or visit one of our temporary yoga studios.

About Darcy
Darcy is a 500 hour certified Hatha Yoga Teacher with additional schooling in Iyengar yoga and Yoga Nidra. She followed all her training at the source in different locations throughout India. Darcy is also a criminologist who loves to combine her knowledge of psychology and science with that of yoga philosophy.

About Emma
Emma is a 200 hour certified Hatha Yoga Teacher who also holds a 100-hour certificate in Ashtanga Yoga. Emma is also a marketing specialist with a big network that often gives the tribe new and exciting locations to set up a studio. You will often find her throughout the city having lots of coffee with lots of people.

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