Designplatform Rotterdam

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30 augustus, 2019. Locatie t.b.a., vanaf 08:30

-- This event will be held in english -- 

Justice can be a path to healing in fractured times. When we envision moments related to justice, we often think of suits, a gavel hitting the surface of a desk, or people marching in the streets. Change happens when enough people raise their hands to work together. 

Author Omid Safi wrote, “Justice is love, embodied. We cannot speak of love without linking it to justice, nor of justice unless it is permeated by love.” Justice is restorative when empathetic and innovative solutions are brought to the forefront. 

Through generous listening, we all hold the ability to form moments where people can feel safe, strong, and at ease.

Our Bratislava chapter chose this month’s exploration of Justice and Simona Cechova illustrated the theme.


Check de site van Creative Mornings voor meer info. 

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