Designplatform Rotterdam

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30 november, 2018. De Kroon Rotterdam, vanaf 08:30

I need to disconnect. There's too much noise in my head. I am burning out. I need space to rethink everything. I need a hard reset. Exhaustion is like dehydration—when you feel it, you've gone too far. So we finally cave in and heed the words of people who've found their centers again: take a trip into nature, go for walks, unplug completely. The challenge with restarting is that we often save it for the end rather than creating pockets throughout our weeks where we prioritize reflection and solitude.

Restarting is essential. It’s a way to digest experiences, reflect and cultivate self-awareness, and remind ourselves that life is to be enjoyed. It's refreshing and feeds greater intention and momentum into our creative endeavors. If you find yourself feeling like you're on a treadmill with an invisible hand increasing the velocity, remind yourself: only you have the power to get off and recalibrate. 

The CreativeMornings/Cologne chose this month’s exploration of Restart, Marie Maerz illustrated the theme, and it is being presented globally by Adobe.


Check de site van Creative Mornings en Facebook voor meer info. 


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