Designplatform Rotterdam

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October 30th, 9:00am - 9:45am CET. Hosted at Online Zoom De Stadstuin

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

How can we make space for new ideas and creative energy while staying in place? While cars, trains, boats, planes, and our many modes of transportation may take us where we need to go — taking note of our inner worlds and soaking in the details around us can often be the best vehicles of renewal.

Your search might lead you to long strolls in nature, cooking to your favorite tunes, gazing up at the sky, or getting lost in an immersive process. Finding your calm and filling your cup first will help you become a fuller version of not just yourself, but also for those who might need you. Make a list of activities you can turn to when you need to get from point A to B. Leave it somewhere you can easily access and turn to when things get tough.

About the speaker

From Spain to The Netherlands to Japan. From graphic designer to art director to illustrator. Luis has been in transit for what it feels all his life, both professionally and personally. Now settled in Tokyo, Luis draws illustrations for brands and publications worldwide, he also runs a creative residence for international makers and thinkers who want to take a break and continue further in their careers. It’s all about transition and that’s what he’s going to share with us. Check and @luismendo 

Our Cleveland chapter chose this month’s exploration of Transit and Aleea Rae illustrated it.

Tickets are free. Register here now!

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