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Vrijdag 31 januari 2020. Locatie The Student Hotel Rotterdam, vanaf 08:30

-- This event will be held in english -- 

The concept of Creative Mornings is an inspiring talk and croissants. What will it be about this month? 

A tree is made up of not only its colorful leaves, but also its bark, branches, and most of all — its roots. The roots exist to provide sustenance and a strong foundation for the rest of its body. Examine your own roots. When you retrace them, what do you find?

In his CreativeMornings talk, James Victore shares, “The things that made you weird as a kid make you great today. But only if you put it in your work.” Identify the things that ground you and what you’ve carried with you over time. How have your roots shaped who you are today?

The start of a brand-new decade gives you the perfect excuse to dig up the old and to nourish the elements that sustain you. Courageous, creative work begins below the ground.

The Québec chapter chose this month’s exploration of Roots and Félix Girard illustrated the theme.

Check de site van CreativeMornings voor meer info. 

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