Designplatform Rotterdam

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July 31, 8:30am - 10:00am CEST. Hosted at Bwefar & de Boer

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

The societal changes as a result of Covid-19 are immense. Although change can be very beneficial, changes can also lead to a strong sense of insecurity. What’s going to happen? Will I be able to continue doing my job? Will I get sick? Will I be able to pay the rent in 6 months time? In these times of crisis we need to be able to rely on ourselves for support and what better way to do so than understanding who we are.

Therefore we asked millennial expert Jasper Scholten, author of Het Millennial Mysterie, to share some practical insights on what we can do to become more resilient in a rapidly changing environment. Jasper (33) has a corporate background in HR and decided 4,5 years to quit his job. Soon he stumbled upon the ‘millennial mystery’: why so many millennials suffer from stress and a lack of meaning in their life. Ever since he’s been sharing these insights and answers at 50+ organizations and giving various personal development trainings for people in their twenties and thirties.


“An underdog questions and expands what’s considered possible.”

July’s theme is #CMunderdog presented by @Mailchimp. It was selected by @CreativeMorningsEdinburgh and illustrated by @Astrid Jaekel - Artist / Illustrator.

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