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FuckUp Nights Rotterdam - What a Waste
Vrijdag 7 februari 2020 om 20:00u, BlueCity010

// This night is hosted & presented in English //

To succeed in life you have to fail - we all know it, but how many of us truly embrace it? As we enter into an exciting and circular economy there is so much to learn, and even more mistakes to be made. That's why we invite you to FuckUp Nights Rotterdam - What a Waste! 

💪 This edition of FuckUp Nights Rotterdam, four bold and wild entrepreneurs will share their stories of how they are pushing the boundaries of business with their circular business models and approaches and, of course, the failures along the way!

Forget success stories, and come get real. Learn, laugh, cry and be inspired by authentic humans sharing their authentic stories. This edition takes place on the 7th of February, during the Dutch Circularity week.

NOTE: The Night is hosted & presented in English.

💥 What to expect? 💥

► A line-up of four speakers that get 8 minutes to present their mother of all fuckups
► A crowd of enthusiastic people giving them a standing ovation for their bravery! And asking great questions to learn even more
► One bar with ice cold drinks
► A gathering of open-minded people looking for FUN

⏰ Program ⏰

19:30 Doors open
20:00 Start program
20:45 Break
21:00 Second part
21:45 Drinks and friends

🎙 Line-up 🎙

To be announced

📌 Location 📌

BlueCity 010, Maasboulevard 100, Rotterdam

🎟 Tickets 🎟

Regular: € 7,50
Rotterdampas: €3,00 (with discount code via Rotterdampas)
Rotterdampas tickets only grant access to the event with a valid Rotterdampas, to be shown at the entrance.

💙 Partners 💙
This event is brought to you by BlueCity 010 and the FuckUp Nights Rotterdam partners: Designplatform Rotterdam, EVERiSE, Spaces & Jonge Honden.

♻️ Dutch Circularity Week ♻️

From Monday February the 3rd until Friday February the 7th we celebrate the Dutch Circularity Week (Week van de Circulaire Economie 2020). Front runners of the circular economy organize a number of events throughout the Netherlands in order to accelerate the transition into this new economy. The city of Rotterdam and its surrounding areas will be represented by BlueCity 010.

Together with Provincie Zuid-Holland, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Gemeente Rotterdam, CHIO Rotterdam and many other partners, BlueCity organizes a week full of circular events for businesses, entrepreneurs, students, and everyone else with a special interest in the circular economy. 

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