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Creative Mornings: Kismet
May 6th, 8:30 AM GMT+1 2022 @The Student Hotel. Check here more info

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

It's time for an inspiring breakfast again! Our April theme is Kismet, chosen by our Istanbul chapter and illustrated by Selin Çınar.

When the stars align and good fortune visits, it must be kismet. An unexpected windfall, a chance encounter with another that blossoms, a doorway opening to impossible dreams. Kismet is a little pocket of time just for you. We marvel at the sheer, unlikely wonder of these moments.

Kısmet is a Turkish word that evolved from the Arabic qisma, meaning one’s portion or lot in life. When kismet was borrowed into English in the early 1800s, its meaning shifted into fate and fortune. But be wary of awaiting your destiny with passivity, philosopher Barrett Holmes Pitner warns, lest you resign yourself to a fate where nothing grows. Attend to the synchronicities in your life. When kismet alights upon you, the cosmos is letting you in on something, and you can choose to meet it.

We turned it over to you: What do you take as signs of good fortune? What moments of kismet have appeared before you? How did you answer?

Here’s what you shared:

In his book A Strangeness in My Mind, Nobel Prize laureate and Turkish author Orhan Pamuk questions whether love is an intention or kısmet. What matters more in love: what we wish for, or what our fate has in store? Do our choices dictate whether we will be happy or not, or are these things determined by forces beyond our control? — Ilgin Tufan, Host of CreativeMornings/Antalya

In Bulgarian, kasmet means good luck! I suppose it comes from Turkish 🙂. — Zaria Evie

Being understood is a blessing, finding someone in life who understands you completely is a huge “kismet.” — Bora Öztunç

You asked readers to share, “What comes to mind when you hear the word "kismet”?“ And Kismet Bagels in Philly came to mind immediately! An accidental, pandemic business born from that time when everyone was making bread. — Hillary Brewer

I love this Scripture that reminds me of how and why God has set up the times and places for us all since the beginning of time. In my own life, 7 years ago, a woman starting a simple conversation about God completely changed the entire course of my life forever. — Amanda Anammah

A brief "kismet” encounter. I attended SXSW in March 2022 after a two year hiatus due to the pandemic. I was out with a friend catching up. She said a friend of hers and her friend’s husband were coming to meet her for a drink. Turns out, her friend’s husband was the CreativeMornings/Philadelphia host when I first joined the local planning team! (👋 Hey Josh Goldblum!) And all these years later, I became a chapter host in 2019…and will now be passing on my duties to a new host in April. — Michelle Freeman

Kismet Cookie is a participatory activity wherein visitors come to my “booth” and I make a fortune cookie while they wait and the visitor writes a “fortune” which just may change the fortune of the next visitor that receives the cookie. The visitor leaves with a “Kismet cookie” made by the prior person. The notes they write could be a conventional “fortune,” but I encourage visitors to choose a call to action that could lead to an encounter. More adventurous visitors have the option of leaving a time and coordinates in their cookie, recall what they wrote, and see who shows up!

The idea for this came about because I was cleaning out my basement and found a fortune cookie maker I had purchased for my daughter’s 9th birthday, and which had been stored after only using it once. I see the very discovery of this wonderful device as its own kismet because ever since, it’s brought about much joy, interactions and even new friendships at the festivals I have attended. I invite anyone who likes to copy my idea. The more opportunities for Kismet, the better! — Veronique Pittman

We are excited to introduce April's speaker, @conform_cox !!!!

Cox Janssens is an Illustrator, animator, and storyteller 🤩
Since a very young age, @conform_cox has been driven by exploring, learning, and creating. She wanted to know about everything in detail. To become a Homo Universales was in her head a good choice for a job.

She never lost this eagerness to be a know-it-all: it made her work in different creatives fields, being an illustrator, animator, graphic designer, podcast maker, and singer-songwriter.

Cox always tries to implement topics in her work that are close to her heart: the treatment of animals, our impact on climate change, and several social issues. Through in-depth visual translations, she shows different perspectives on several norms and hopes to spark curiosity. 👀👀

Check her work at and @conform_cox

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