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Theme 101: Procrastinate
April 30th, 2021, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM GMT+1 Hosted with Zoom

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

April’s Theme is Procrastinate

The things that we perpetually push to tomorrow’s to-do list can become a mental weight. Even though we know the welcome relief that will wash over us when that thing we’re avoiding is complete, still, we delay, just a little while longer.

Procrastination can be a sort of art form: the art of deferred action. It’s a technique that’s got a bad reputation, one often tinged with shame. But it can also be a way to claim the ways you wish to your time. It harbors creative possibilities, too.

In that game of waiting-waiting-waiting until it’s almost too late but not quite, a coiled spring of potential energy hides, ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice. Narrowing a timeline can be a fruitful creative constraint, an exercise in trusting the unknown. When a window of opportunity shrinks, improvisation and spontaneity might unfurl like a flower in a time-lapse video blooming at super speed, a confetti cannon of petals bursting in full color.

CreativeMornings/Turin chose April’s exploration of Procrastinate. Elisa Talentino made the accompanying illustration, and Basecamp/HEY is presenting this month’s theme globally.


Tickets are free to attend on Zoom. Check facebook or the website to register. 

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