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Creative Mornings: Critical
August 26th, 2022, 8:30 AM CET @iO | Digital agency

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

To be critical means to be like a sieve, dividing and separating. Our critical abilities allows us to discern the insubstantial from the made-to-last, the credible from the untrustworthy, the sincere from the ego-driven. We do so by gathering more information, seeking nuance, and locating something in its specific context.

Critical feedback is essential for our growth. Poet Adrienne Rich advises, “Responsibility to yourself means seeking out criticism, recognizing that the most affirming thing anyone can do for your is demand that you push yourself further.”

But being needlessly critical — especially of ourselves — can stifle the creative impulse. Few are as harsh as our own internal critic. How can we hone our perception, spotting what needs to evolve, without becoming ruthless? How can we remain astute while not losing sight of all that is inherently good and whole? It’s critical.

Introducing August's speaker Roza Schous 🥳🥳
As a photographer, Roza worked with many artists and designers, but photography also plays a big role in her personal life. From rediscovering childhood memories to capturing things that are usually overlooked.

Roza is an enthusiastic and curious person, but also very critical. About the things around her, and about herself. Getting a burnout forced her to be more gentle with herself and deal with her critical thoughts in a different way.

Our Calgary chapter chose this month’s exploration of Critical, Maedeh Mosaverzadeh illustrated the theme, and Mailchimp is the presenting partner.

Get your tickets here!

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