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Creative Mornings: Theme 109: Invisible
January, 2022, Check here the date and time

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

December’s theme is Invisible.

The invisible encompasses everything that does not fall within the hegemony of visibility. An entire world we cannot see exists but doesn’t show itself. From the electromagnetism coursing around us, to the flow of capital across borders, to the adaptive strategies of wildlife. The denizens of nature know that remaining invisible is power.

Many of us labor to avoid becoming invisible at all costs. We strive to create a constant performance in an age of surveillance. Being invisible is often synonymous for being marginalized, forgotten, and fallen out of view.

What if we take a cue from nature and reclaim invisibility as a strategy? What rich inner worlds can we cultivate when we remain out of view? How might we become aware of the things that have receded from sight, suddenly coming into focus with startling clarity?

Our Rome chapter chose this month’s exploration of Invisible and Cristina Spanò illustrated the theme.

Tickets are free to attend on Zoom. Check the website to register. 

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