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Creative Mornings: Rythym
A breakfast lecture series for the creative community
December 8th 2023, 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM GMT+2 • @Spaces

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

What rhythms set your pace? A celestial rhythm is pulsing all around us. The earth spins. The sun rises and sets. The moon pulls and releases the tides twice every day. The seasons loop each year. Natural, constant patterns of back-and-forth. But we also live amidst the unnatural rhythms of flickering fluorescent lights, pinging notifications, and vehicles idling at traffic signals. Rhythm can light you up or burn you out.

Rhythm is the heartbeat of creativity. It provides the structure we crave; a framework for ideas to take shape. By recognizing patterns and breaking them, we can find our unique voice.

Rhythm serves as a catalyst for the power of a dancer’s movement. The pacing of a poet’s sentences. The cadence of an actor’s voice. The timing of a comedian’s punchline. The strokes of a painter’s brush. The meter of a musician’s notes. All that creativity just keeps going and flowing. Rat-a-tat-tat. Tap into your own rhythm and follow wherever it takes you.

How do you keep your own beat? Listen to your breath. Listen to your heart.

Our Speaker: Franky Sticks

Franky Sticks is a Rotterdam based Illustrator & Deejay. His illustration style is defined by simple strong flowing linework combined with a vivid color palette. His work can be seen from different angles and perspectives such as adventures of funny little men, as a metaphor from modern society, or as his pure aesthetic pop view that encourages a two-way conversation between the artist and viewer. There’s a timeless quality to his playful yet contemplative work, which is inspired by Rotterdam’s diverse landscape and thriving mix of cultures. Franky’s portfolio includes murals, digital illustrations, sculptures, paintings, limited prints. As a deejay Franky Sticks has been rocking crowds at clubs, festivals, and corporate/private events for over 8 years and is best known for his ability to incorporate turntablism into his club sets. Franky Sticks is also known for performing live on stage with The Re:Freshed Orchestra and teaches DJ classes at Hiphophuis Rotterdam.

Our global theme for November is RHYTHM. It was chosen by our Basel chapter and illustrated by Patrizia Stalder.

Join us for an inspiring breakfast! Get more information here!

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