Designplatform Rotterdam

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May 17th, 19:00 PM CET @Leeszaal Rotterdam

// Interactive peer to peer coaching session //

WhatDesignCanDo & Designplatform Rotterdam present Designers for Designers: a transformative peer to peer coaching session. This session has proven very fruitful over the years so it's time to meet and gather together live!

By sharing our experiences and talking about ideas we can support ourselves and our peers. What is common sense to one person can be an eye opener to another. Can we use challenges as unique opportunities for creative transformation?

What happens in a session?
- We gather with around 10 participants - The first round is a plenary introduction from heart to heart.
- In the second round small groups of participants are invited to divide and withdraw in small groups, to provide each other with a space of listening and hands-on advice. In previous sessions we have experienced how designers opened up, took first transformative steps and lifted each other’s spirit –

Moderators: Bianca Spierenburg, Anna Swagerman, Pepijn Zurburg. 

Send us here an email to reserve a spot!

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