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Creative Mornings: Free/Monumental with Veronica Comin
March 4th, 8:30 AM GMT+1 2022 @TSH Collab at The Student Hotel. Check here more info

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

When we call something monumental, we mean it as a matter of scale. Societies erect statues and build squares and dedicate memorials to prevent the past from being buried. These structures loom large and cast long shadows. They are meant to endure, to keep our ancestors alive in our memories, but sometimes they dwarf the living and engulf life itself.

What does it mean to think on a monumental timescale? To honor the past in such a way that it paves a path for the unfolding of the present? We have no way of knowing if our memories will outlive us, if they will manage to travel the vastness of space and time. 

But there are people in the future who will need our stories, stories capacious enough to hold all of our humanity. So what will you bear witness to? What will you leave behind when you’re gone?

Veronica is a designer from Italy based in Rotterdam. She studied graphic design and animation in Paris and in 2017 she moved to the Netherlands to work as an illustrator for animation and live her best life biking around the city. Now she’s a freelancer and her range of work varies from digital to print and from individual to collective work by organizing workshops and events. Her work mainly rotates around social issues that she likes to approach with hope and a touch of humor to inspire positive change around her.

Our Richmond chapter chose this month’s exploration of Monumental and Mending Walls to illustrate the theme.

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