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Creative Mornings: Touch
A breakfast lecture series for the creative community
February 24th, 2023, 8:30 AM GMT+1 • Your Home

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

Our February theme is Touch, chosen by our Lisbon chapter and illustrated by Emma Lopes.

Across the years when we had to stay apart to keep one another safe, skin hungered for the sensation of being pressed against another. The longing for touch was deeply felt.

Unlike sight or sound, the senses we primarily rely on for information, touch cannot be conveyed across distance through screens and speakers. Touch invites us to slow down, pay attention, and come closer.

When we open ourselves to the ineffable — what cannot be transmitted through words — touch emerges as a language unto itself. The grit of the soil under our bare feet, the clay slip enrobing a potter’s wheel, the sun-warmed fur of a beloved pet — these sensations can be healing.

How will you stay in contact with the electric matter that keeps us alive? What will pass through your hands today?

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