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CREATIVE MORNINGS: Divergent with Daan Timmer
February 26th, 2021, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM GMT+1 Hosted with Zoom

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

Technologist, author, and designer John Maeda explains, “A divergent thinker takes an idea and expands it. They look for new ways to connect it with other diverse things […] I’m in favor of a synthesis to connect the convergent and divergent.” 

As creators, builders, and thinkers, how can we get better at solving complex problems? A promising starting point is for us to be in the same spaces with those we’ve traditionally deemed different. Moments of divergence can create beautiful futures when we are willing to leave space for change. Take a step back to reflect on what winds of change you want to welcome into your life today.

This month’s speaker is the talented Daan Timmer. Daan is a 30-year-old illustrator from Rotterdam. He loves sci-fi and fantasy and combined with his passion for cross-cultural race politics he creates worlds and narratives that make the viewer conscious of the actual world around them.

Be sure to join us for this amazing-sauce of presentation!!!! You can find more of his work via:

Daan’s Instagram

Daan’s Website


“Moments of divergence can create beautiful futures.”

Our Valencia chapter chose this month’s exploration of Divergent and Núria Tamarit illustrated it. Presented by our Global Partner Basecamp / HEY.

Tickets are free to attend on Zoom. Check facebook or the website to register. 

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