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Creative Mornings: Matriarchy
June, 2021, Check here all the possible times. Hosted with Zoom

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

June's Theme is Matriarchy

Imagine a society in which women make all the key decisions that shape the safety, health, education, opportunities, and culture of the community. What would your town or city look like if the systems and structures were re-envisioned and women held the majority of the positions of power and leadership? What would change? What would it feel like? Or maybe you already live in such an environment; societies led by powerful women exist today, including Native and Indigenous communities around the world.

This month, we shine a light on all the leaders who are also women, from across the vast spectrum of identities and experiences of womanhood. The decision-makers, the life-givers, the caregivers, the frontline workers, the problem-solvers, the world-changers. The organizers and activists, the artists and writers and innovators. The teachers, scientists, medical professionals, politicians, business owners. The ones with megaphones and the ones working behind-the-scenes. Without you, where would our world be?

CreativeMornings/Rotterdam chose June’s Matriarchy theme, and Xaviera Altena created the accompanying illustration.


Tickets are free to attend on Zoom. Check the website to register. 

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