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Creative Mornings: Wilderness
June 24th, 2022, 8:30 AM GMT+2 @Spaces 

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

We travel to the edges of our known world — to wander, to lose ourselves, to commune with the wilderness. Dappled light dripping in through the forest canopy, insects buzzing as feet squelch through wetlands, inhaling the hot dry air and endless skies of desert, we long for this. Some of us seek enchantment and estrangement here. Some of us call it home.

We do not exist apart or separate from the wild. In her meditation on trees, poet Grace Paley writes, “we are like any greengrowing machinery / riding the daylight route / into darkness.” The wilderness lives within all of us, the rhythms of our bodies tethering us to the natural world.

What is the wilderness that calls you home? Where do you go to wander? How do you honor what is wild and unruly inside of you?

Our Chattanooga chapter chose this month’s exploration of Wilderness and Hollie Chastain illustrated the theme.


In 2021, Shanti Versnel graduated from the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, nose deep in the world of wool. In her projects, she likes to focus on storytelling with a lot of fun and a touch of seriousness. Telling a clear story that focuses not only on the final product but more so, on the time, energy, skill, and effort it took to get there.

Register soon!
Sign ups start here on Monday, June 20, 11:00 am

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