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CREATIVE MORNINGS: Theme 100: Ripple
March 26th, 2021, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM GMT+1 Hosted with Zoom

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

March’s Theme is Ripple

Everything you do has the power to create its own ripple effect. Like an object breaking the water’s surface, our actions can cause a series of ever-expanding waves of impact stretching far beyond our individual reach.

Whether we theorize it with dominos, snowballs, or butterflies – it’s about momentum, and as momentum builds, even the smallest actions can end up having a profound impact.
One voice can inspire a movement, a single act of kindness can save a life. No matter how minuscule it may seem in the moment, what you do matters.

This month, we invite you to pay attention to your personal ripple effect. To examine how your impact expands beyond your inner circle and find ways to pay positivity forward. If you’re feeling brave, this month can be a time to explore the depths of your world. Dare to plunge below the surface and invite deeper connection in.

Our Tel Aviv chapter chose this month’s exploration of Ripple and Masha Manapov illustrated it.


Tickets are free to attend on Zoom. Check facebook or the website to register. 

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