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Creative Mornings: Resilient
May, 2021, Check here all the possible times. Hosted with Zoom

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

May's Theme is Resilience

To be resilient is to be adaptable. It’s a way of being that’s flexible and alive, bouncing with the stuff of survival: learning, evolving, and intertwining our roots to share resources and to create a strong anchor of collective care. Like trees in a storm, it means swaying instead of snapping.

Persevering in the face of hardship and heartbreak is not easy, to say the least. “I think of resilience as the strength and speed of our response to adversity,” says Adam Grant, psychologist and co-author of Option B, a book about resilience. To heal, to grieve, to bend but not break? It requires time and dedication to build these muscles of resilience. “It’s a skill set we work on throughout our lives.”

Whether for your life, community, or planet, consider this: What can you do today to help build strength and ease for the future?

CreativeMornings/Dallas chose May’s Resilient theme, and Niki Dionne made the accompanying illustration.


Tickets are free to attend on Zoom. Check the website to register. 

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