Designplatform Rotterdam

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Creative Mornings: NOW!
May 27th, 08:30 - 10:00 AM CET @De Maaskantine

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

These days, the “nows” hurry past us, shoved aside by the “next” — the urgent to-do’s, the latest breaking news. Constantly anticipating and staging for our future decimates our experience of the present. Our “now” vanishes, like water flowing through our fingertips.

We cannot keep time from spilling out of our hands and into the soft earth below. It is not our task to master the present, but to savor it. To pause. Go still. Feel the air on the back of our necks, sit in both discomfort and pleasure, and marvel at the radiance of the present moment. So that we may, in the poet William Blake’s words, “Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand / And Eternity in an hour.” For all we ever have is now.

Our Buffalo chapter chose this month’s exploration of Now, Mizin Shin illustrated the theme, and our global partner Mailchimp is presenting the theme.


May's Speaker is Studio Mals 🥳🥳
We are so freaking excited to introduce you to... @studiomals!!!!!!! ⚡⚡⚡

Mals crafts high-quality eye-catching images and film. Their work is very tangible, preferably handmade, and has a playful attitude to it.
Silas Nout and Martin van der Molen founded the studio. They’re meticulous crafters who cherish the details. They cultivate calm and go for distinctive aesthetics. The result is clever, playful, and ridiculously sexy handcrafted eye candy! 🍬👁️🤩

How incredible is their work? Want to meet them?
⚡🎟️Tickets will be released on our website Monday, May 23rd @11:00

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