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Creative Mornings: Folklore with Ana Stretcu
March 25th, 2022, 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM GMT+1 Hosted at Spaces

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

March’s theme is Folklore // The universe is vast and full of mysteries. Humankind spin stories to answer these mysteries without answers. As these stories are passed down and among a people, they become folklore. Who placed the stars up there? When a pot breaks, who might have been the unseen culprit? How do we celebrate the successes we can’t take credit for? 

Folklore exercises our mythic imagination, our way of seeing beyond the tangible to make sense of the enigmatic and the unfathomable.

A song about the origin of the world, a pot of simmering stew that draws the community to the table, a knot of ribbon in your hand. All of these moments and rituals bind us to our ancestors, our past to our future. Our collective and ancient wisdom is contained in folklore, we must simply look there.

@cm_guatemalacity chapter chose this month’s exploration of Folklore and Sara Ortega @lagrimaslaser illustrated the theme.


Ana Stretcu is a self-taught illustrator who is fully committed to embracing the cute, the wholesome, the goofy, and the silly things in life because they’re a source of infinite joy.

Ana believes in the power of stories and how they can make the world a better place. As a picture book illustrator, she gets to tell stories to the most open-minded audience you could wish for. And this is how she believes she plays a small part in making the world a better place.

Register here for this series. 

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