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Creative Mornings: Corruption
A breakfast lecture series for the creative community
March 31st, 2023, 8:30 AM GMT+2 • Spaces

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

Corruption can start innocently, like favoring someone you know over someone you don’t. Or recalling a gift they once sent, and repay them with a project for that sweetness. Corruption is a spectrum, rewarding social connections and financial advantages over the rules of fair play. It exists in every society and every institution.

Some people survive through corruption, the labyrinthine bureaucracies where they live making it literally impossible otherwise. But while they survive, others perish. Rising plumes of toxic chemicals, collapsing buildings not constructed to code, we owe the calamities all around us to those who cared more about profit than people and gain over the greater good.

As social anthropologist Lucy Koechlin notes, “A world without corruption is a powerful idea. But it doesn’t appear out of the blue.” It takes courage to speak out. To demand transparency and accountability. To strengthen whistleblower protections and the rule of law. To break up corporate concentration while organizing coalitions of people to reset the balance. What will you do to hold power to account?

About our speaker! 

Hanna van Rixtel, first-year Master student Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology. “As a designer, I study how we can keep technology humane in this world that gets increasingly abstract and complex, by designing products and services that are close to the human.”

About this month’s theme: March’s theme is Corruption, chosen by @monterrey_cm and illustrated by @vvviolettte. Corruption rewards social connections and financial advantages over the rules of fair play. We owe the calamities all around us to those who favor gain over the greater good. It takes courage to speak out. To demand transparency and accountability. What will you do to hold power to account? #CMCorruption #CreativeMornings

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