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Creative Mornings: Liminal
November 26th, 2021, 8:30 AM GMT+1 • TSH Collab at The Student Hotel

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

November’s Theme is Liminal.

When we find ourselves in an in-between place, we might call our location “liminal.” Liminal space is found at the threshold, between leaving an old life and starting a new one. When we have shed a tired identity but not yet donned a fresh one. Liminal is a state of becoming. It slips away, eluding easy categorization. 

Invite yourself into the cocoon of transformation. Instead of asking what comes after the chrysalis, what if, in the words of anthropologist Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, we look around rather than ahead? If we learn to trust the process, we can remain curious and open. We can surrender our certainty and leave ourselves vulnerable and open to the mysteries of being. What joy and sweetness can we find in all this, in the depths of liminal spaces and times? 

@CreativeMorningsSOF chose this month’s exploration of Liminal and Sevda Semer illustrated the theme.

Check the site for more info about attending. 

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