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Creative Mornings: Truth
November 25th, 2022, 8:30 AM CET @Spaces

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

November’s theme is Truth, chosen by @buenosaires_cm and illustrated by solcotti.

Truth lies at the bottom of a well, winding from its source in the icepack of distant mountains. Truth tastes pristine, uncompromised by what would be profitable or convenient. Truth causes your body to hum like a tuning fork, resonating at the same frequency as the universe around you.
And yet the truth is fiercely contested when competing narratives collide.

Can we wade through paradox, the dark tangle of it all, and make sense of the world?

Introducing October’s speaker Piet de Jonge (GRAW) 🥳🥳

Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend is an event that provides art lovers a unique moment to meet artists in their studios and to buy work directly from them, but also to explore the many studio complexes located throughout Rotterdam.
Since the first edition of the Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend in 2020, the event has quickly grown to become the city’s most extensive studio route. As attendance continues to grow, so does the enthusiasm among Rotterdam’s artists. This year, the number of participating artists has more than doubled compared to the first edition. The number of locations has also increased enormously: this year, more than 640 artists will now be showing their work in more than 80 locations in all districts of the city.

Get your tickets here!

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