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Creative Mornings: Design
October 29th, 2021, 8:30 AM GMT+2 • TSH Collab at The Student Hotel

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

We live in a world of design, an intention behind every encounter, every technology we touch, every structure we step through. Design is an alchemy, a marriage of material and meaning, investigation and inspiration, form and function.

To design is to create — out of nothing, something. To design is to play — an invitation to stay open and curious and reimagine in new ways. To design is to think — a method of learning through making, scraping failed experiments for fresh insight. To design is to be human.

Designers are called to operate in a way that transcends disciplines, making it possible to understand the world in all its complexity and envision passageways to more just futures. At their best, designers center the experiences of people whose needs have been overlooked, stepping outside of themselves and into their shoes. Design asks of us empathy and humility, if we are brave enough to answer.

@poipolle is a Design & Innovation Consultant. After finishing his Industrial Design degree, Polle packed his bags and moved to Shanghai. 🛩 For almost five years, he based himself in China: the land known for production, but also increasingly known for creation and innovation💡 He got the chance to work in close collaboration with manufacturers on the design and launch of a variety of items larger than he ever expected. Over these years he also got to know the boardrooms, factory floors, and dining tables behind the things you may find in your homes.

Polle resurfaced in his hometown Rotterdam only last month, which has thrown him in fluctuating states of reflection, inspection, and noodle cravings🍜. Leaving China not just meant he said goodbye to his work and life there, but also cued a move from 3D Design towards Innovation Consulting at large. ‘What did I actually do and learn all those years?’ ‘Aren’t consultants nowadays also doing Design?’ and ‘How can I go about designing my own future?’ 🤔These are the questions he faces as he looks back on his time in the East and forwards to a new start at home.

Our Trois-Rivières chapter chose this month’s exploration of Design, Olivier Charland illustrated the theme, and Skillshare is presenting the theme.

Check here for more info

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