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Creative Mornings: Pride with Luis Bracamontes
A breakfast lecture series for the creative community
September 1st, 2023, 8:30 AM GMT+2 • iO Digital Agency

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

Pride is a celebration of our truest, radiant selves and a defiance against those who expect us to dim our own light. We live in a world that often encourages us to take up less space, to conceal the parts of ourselves that can’t be easily commodified or consumed. Or worse, what we reveal exposes us to oppressive actors and systems who steal away our dignity.

Pride is a powerful affirmation of authenticity. It gives us the grace to show up as ourselves and live in alignment with our values. It embraces every shade of our longings, our regrets, and our hopes — these beautiful and powerful things that make us who we are.

Pride is when you stand tall and say, “This is who I am.” Pride is when you reclaim the parts of your identity that others might have scorned. Pride is when you raise your voice in defense of someone who is powerless, saying “Enough.” Because that someone might just be yourself. How will you unfurl yourself fully? How will you extend safety and solidarity so that we all may be unapologetically ourselves?

Our Palm Beach chapter chose this month’s exploration of Pride and Kayla Griffin illustrated the theme.

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