Designplatform Rotterdam

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naam, trefwoord of datum:


Zoek in ons archief op

naam, trefwoord of datum:

Designplatform Rotterdam is looking for possibilities to connect with European cities abroad and start a mutual program. At first glance, we think of the city of Marseille in France as a good candidate. Marseille and Rotterdam are two European port cities with similarities in terms of demography, social challenges, culture, economy and political orientation. 

Designplatform Rotterdam would like to set up connections between the two cities that will make it easier for designers, design critics and other relevant stakeholders from both cities to exchange experiences. 

What can we learn from each other? What types of networking events do Marseille and Rotterdam offer for the design world? Does our network program match current events in Marseille? 

In short, this preliminary study aims to gauge the urgency of the idea of an exchange program between Marseille and Rotterdam. 

We will explore international possibilities in different phases: 

Phase 1 – (opportunity)

Does it make sense to start an exchange program focused on design between Rotterdam and Marseille? 

What is already there? 

Are there enough grounds to say that designers from Rotterdam and Marseille can learn from each other? We will display the most important city features on an identity card of the two cities. This will be a general orientation, so not so much a scientifically sound socio-geographical study.

Phase 2 – (mapping and concept-programming)

Where do we find the potential for an exchange program between Rotterdam and Marseille? 

Which independent designers, design agencies, training institutes and cultural institutions in Marseille and Rotterdam could forge interesting links with each other? Where do these people and organizations meet? Which websites, podcasts, publications or other types of media in Marseille give space to designers, their clients and the creative world around them? 

We will collect contactdetails, webpages and other types of references. We plan to complete this study by the end of August 2024.

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