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Creative Mornings: Perspective
A breakfast lecture series for the creative community
March 22nd 2024, 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM GMT+2 • @Monk

// This event is hosted & presented in English //

Every creative act is an attempt to share a unique perspective on some slice of the world. What you see — and how you see it — shapes your beliefs. So, what’s your point of view? And how are you putting it into your work? What was the last piece of music, writing, illustration, or film that opened a new window on the world for you?

One of the most impactful artistic innovations was linear perspective; widely credited to Fillipo Brunelleschi in the early 15th century. This breakthrough enabled artists to create the illusion of three-dimensional space on a flat canvas, paving the way for the ornate art and architecture of the Renaissance. Today, it feels like we are at another precipice with AI generated images and video. We don’t know how this rapidly emerging artistic tech will shape our perspectives. The machine is already capable of evoking real emotions. But only we can understand those feelings.

Because seeing someone else’s point of view is uniquely human. Considering another perspective fosters empathy. And we all desperately need more empathy. Remember, looking at a problem from multiple angles generates more possible solutions. So, change your perspective and you can change your world.

🎉More info on tickets here! 🎉 

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